History Unit: Reframing Queer Narratives in Media

7 March 2024

The new project addresses the responsibility of the media for the spread of homophobic narratives under Nazism and in today’s political realities.

Propaganda and violence against LGBTIQ+ people is on the rise, and the media play a key role in this trend, helping determine which perspectives are represented. How can the history of queer persecution under National Socialism inform today’s public debate?

“History Unit: Reframing Queer Narratives in Media” will bring together media professionals and activists from four countries: Belarus, Germany, Poland and Ukraine. The participants will explore the history of queer oppression and resistance under the Nazi regime and the role of the media in the spread of homophobic and transphobic narratives. 

Activities will include international workshops, joint journalistic projects, and public events. Through them, the participants of History Unit will be able to explore topics and publish stories that find little space in the traditional media, e.g. homophobia, discrimination, queer history.

History Unit’s page on the n-ost website will be updated with news and announcements as the project progresses. We will also post updates and open calls on social media: add us on Instagram and subscribe to our newsletter.

n-ost is carrying out History Unit together with the Autonomy Foundation, a Polish organization that empowers women and queer people, and Human Constanta, an organization from Belarus that promotes human rights and digital freedoms.


The project is funded by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) as part of the Education Agenda on NS-Injustice.

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