Forgotten Stories of Eastern European LGBTQ+ Heroes
This content was originally published on Eastern Queerope’s Instagram

Hi! We are Eastern Queerope. And we tell stories of those who were lacking remembrance acknowledgment. Sometimes unintentionally, but more often purposefully. LGBTQ+ people from Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine were remarkable writers, famous doctors, and political activists.
How queer people were persecuted in the USSR? What wonderful queer writers from Belarus and Ukraine are not currently being studied in schools? How was the drag scene in the ‘90s in Poland? We will try to answer these questions.
Our team are 3 non-binary activists and journalists from Belarus and Poland.
Today’s information is very limited, but we will try our best to be as unbiased and accurate as possible. We hope to open a historic discussion on the topic, so feel free to criticize and give us your feedback.
Eastern Europe has a wide LGBTQ+ history. It was just hidden from your sight.
Maria Rodzevich
Zofia Sadowska
Aleksei Petrenko
Vincent Maria Radziwill
Eva Kotchever
Hilda Gobbi
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