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The Prisoners with the Pink Triangle
Published on Publik-Forum, Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Among the millions of people murdered by the Nazi regime were thousands of gay men. For a long time, there was no commemoration of them or other queer victims.

Intertwined Queer Stories: First LGTBIQ Museum in Eastern Europe
Published on taz
The QueerMuzeum has opened in Warsaw. It tells of pride, joy and sex, but also of stigmatisation and persecution.

“The Smaller the Settlement, the Greater the Influence of Religion”: Belarusian Trans Non-Binary Activist in Poland
Published on Nash Vybir
Ray shares its journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance and struggle for queer rights

Queer Holocaust Voices – the Price of Silence
Published on Hukanne
Aren’t the sufferings of all prisoners the same? Why bring up gender issues at all? What’s the point of comparing trauma?

“I Accept Myself with All My Features”: Ukrainian Queer Person and Her Identity in Catholic Poland
Published on Nash Vybir
Natalia's story presents a different, more down-to-earth perspective on queer Ukrainians in Poland.

Belarusian on Bisexuality, Theatre and Emigration
Published on Das.Hip
A documentary short about Palina, Belarusian actress, director, and singer from Minsk.

Forgotten Stories of Eastern European LGBTQ+ Heroes
Published on Instagram
Stories of those who were lacking remembrance acknowledgment. Sometimes unintentionally, but more often purposefully.

Shelters, Help for Queer People and Support: How Uzhhorod Became a New Home for LGBTQI+ People
Published on Hromadske
Gender Stream housed 32 people when the full-scale war began. Throughout its operation, the shelter has provided a home to 320 queer people from occupied and liberated territories.

Diversity in Brandenburg: Queers Take a Stand
Published on taz
A memorial for gay prisoners murdered in Sachsenhausen coincided with a Pride in nearby Oranienburg, uniting commemoration with celebration of present-day queer life.